Sunday, August 31, 2008

Official Scientcian Proves Identicality

Friday, August 29, 2008 Zuich, Switzerland

Great news today we finally got the results back and the girls are offcially considered “identical.” Three weeks ago DNA samples, HI-RES laser scans and Folic Lampon Tissue residue (FLT) were sent to the CERN facility in Switzerland, home to Europe’s largest superconductor, for testing. The data was analyzed by Dutch physicist Emrick Slepzenberg for signs of identicality. Although many of the first tests we’re rather inconclusive a breakthrough was finally made with the HI-RES laser scans. Dr. Slepzenberg announced that the Large Hadron Collider’s beam synchronization systems which will allow the LHC operations team to inject the first beam into the LHC. And the rest as they say is histroy.

The good doktor described these laser scans in laymen’s terms: “You know zat part in zee movie Terminator when ze esteemed actor Arnold Schwarzenegger looks at ze people and he zees them vith a grid of some sort? Zat is essentially vat vee do ven vee are looking at the HI-RES laser scans.”

Along with a certificate proving identicality the Tiggeman-Morrises received printouts of the three laser scans that the doctors used. The first two show the girls by themselves and the last one, I think the most conclusive proof yet, shows the beautiful girls together.


Anonymous said...

They look deliciously similar but identical?? If you and your scientists say so, I guess I will have to believe it.

Mitzi said...

You had me going for the first few lines ... those pictures made me laugh out loud!

rodriguezk said...


Your girls are adorable, (the babies, not the twinkies). Congratulations on your new family. I wish you and Abby the best.

Kim Rodriguez