That means it's FALL! Say Hey Super Blog Reading People,
Along with the beautiful weather, the ladies have been great little guys. Here's the low down: the girls wanted to wash the car, a really good idea I know, Elinor is the first one and Tilly is the fanciest little car wash girl I've ever seen. Ellie is the fireman and Tilly is Angelina ballerina, a British dancing mouse. Sometime people ask me if they're different. Eisely, Beck and Brandt in some order. In the later pics Tilly is in pink (really?) and Ellie in yellow. Our garden is doing great, we've got tons of tomatoes, 8 or so gourds and 3 pumpkins. The gourds and pumpkins are about a month away, so let's hope we don't get anymore low temps. The almost freeze we got last week blackened many leaves. Enjoy. Oh, and yes I made the fire engine Ellie is wearing. It was awesome. (and Abby did make the mouse costume and fire jacket)